Naturally the Best

Show Dog

Show dog was designed as a general health supplement for dogs who might just need to improve their overall condition slightly.


It can be thought of as a health tonic for dogs. It is designed to help a dog put on and maintain weight and to improve the condition of the coat and the skin.


Out of all the supplements, Show Dog takes the longest to show results. A dog needs to be on supplement for at least 4 weeks before any benefit will be seen.


Due to the Vitamin E content this product cannot be used on dogs that are on anticoagulants.



Why it works

Poor coat and skin condition


Essential Amino Acids

Brewer's Yeast

These ingredients work on the skin and hair to improve their condition.

Brewer's Yeast helps with shedding.

Poor weight



Full Fat Soya

These ingredients improve the digestive   health of the dog and help with absorption of nutrients from the food.

Cellular health

Vitamin E

Choline Bitartrate


These ingredients help to keep the dog healthy on the cellular level.

Run down animal


All the ingredients in Show Dog will help a dog which may simply be run down (after a heavy show season or a slight illness) to
